Have you noticed how majority of restaurants don’t feature carpets? If they do have
one, it’s heavily patterned. This is for a reason. A darkly colored and camouflaged carpet can hide stains and soiling much more easily than lighter patterned and colored carpets.
There’s good news for restaurant managers in the form and shape of Excellence Janitorial Services and Carpet Cleaning that offers affordable carpet cleaning for homes, offices and restaurants.
Carpets in Restaurants More Prone to Soiling
The culprit is of course aerosol grease. No matter the amount of cooking done (with oil); microscopic drops of grease will be suspended in the air. These microscopic drops float around the space, where they can eventually travel to the dining room and settle where the carpet is. This oily residue in turn attracts soil, dirt and grime – ideal food sources for bacteria to thrive in.
Increased Odor Problem Due To Not Cleaning the Carpet
On top of the grease residue, hundreds of diners tread on your restaurant carpets and bring outside soil and dirt. This can cause the carpet to fade away overtime, which won’t do any good for the appearance of your establishment.
Drinks will get spilled; salad dressing will drip near the salad bar and on the floor as well. In short, a hot mess is certain which will most likely add to the growth in bacteria. Soon after, a musty odor will start to emanate from the carpets (if not deep cleaned). The issue will become a financial issue rather than a cleaning problem fairly quickly, i.e. customers will stop coming when the dining room or even the whole restaurant starts smelling like mildew.
Why Carpets in Restaurants Feature Heavily Patterned Designs and Colors
Visit any fast-food restaurant and even some high-end, upscale restaurants and we see one common theme in play. Most eateries feature heavily patterned carpeting because wine and food stains can easily get camouflaged in the jumbled design and loud colors.
Stains and spots are more likely to remain unnoticed which can pose an issue for less
observant restaurant managers. Why? If left unnoticed and untreated for long, mildew/mold can grow on the carpet that’ll not only give off a severely unpleasant smell, but also prove to be hazardous for health of customers and employees.
Now that you’re an informed restaurant manager, isn’t it better to do something about this issue? Make sure your restaurant remains packed with happy customers! Hire the very best in carpet cleaning services in Bakersfield, Ca. Call Excellence Janitorial Services & Carpet Cleaning today!