Home owners always look for ways in which they can cut back their monthly expenditure, which is a great idea, but doing so on the cleaning budget isn’t the best way to go about this. After all, there must be other ways that can be applied, and which will save money without cutting back on the cleaning services. The tips that we have shared below are devised for the money saving homeowner:
Tip #1: Use Mild Dish Soap or Plain Water
You don’t need a fancy cleaning product to clean your home, as many areas can be cleaned as easily and effectively with mild dish soap mixed with plain water. Moreover, dish soap is the most versatile cleaning product made and can be used as a laundry stain remover, a window cleaner, a carpet stain remover and as a surface spray.
Of course, you will need to call in a professional janitorialservice in cases where just dish soap and plain water aren’t able to remove the dirt and grime in your home.
Tip # 2: Buy On Sale and Use Coupons
Buying items with coupons can become frustrating but homeowners with a tight budget can benefit a lot from making careful shopping choices side by side with coupon usage. The ideal place to snag useful coupons is on manufacturers’ websites, but some grocery and drug stores print coupons as well on their sale papers.
When it comes to items on sales, only go for those products that you normally use and buy in bulk if the price is right.
Tip # 3: Properly Store All Cleaning Supplies
Cleaning supplies that aren’t stored properly can create a giant mess and lose their effectiveness at the same time. Double check to see that stored supplies aren’t exposed to extremes in light or temperature, and make sure to properly tighten the lids of all containers, to avoid accidental spills. Store all cleaning supplies in a cool and dry place, away from pets and small children.
Tip # 4: Simplify Your Cleaning Supplies
Your cleaning supply cupboard will be close to over-flowing if you have bought products meant for everything. The truth of the matter is, and what Excellence Janitorial Services & Carpet Cleaning reiterates is that a lot of commercially produced cleaners are multi-purpose and can be used for a number of cleaning chores. Be sure to buy only all-purpose cleaners, saving specialty cleaners to do the more tough jobs or hire a professional cleaning company.
You will be surprised to find out how easy it is to clean your home, in terms of money that is. Of course, you’ll still need to invest in proper time and effort for simple and complex cleaning jobs, but this won’t be an issue if you hire Excellence Janitorial Service & Carpet Cleaning for once a month,daily , weekly biweekly cleaning. Contact us now and get a quote!